Hence it is plain that they achieve their end, not fortuitously, but designedly. 所以它们显然不是偶然的,而是有计划地去达到自己地目的。
The alternative is to hide the RMS file in a plain file and then transfer the plain file and unhide it on the other end. 另一种传输文件的方法是将RMS文件藏于普通文件中进行传送,然后在另一端释放。
The Plain English Campaign says the most annoying saying in the English language is "At the end of the day". 举办通俗英语活动的机构称英语中最令人讨厌的词组是“一天的末尾”。
In an attempt to get around these limitations, we spent more time futzing with the designer than we needed to implement the entire GUI in plain JSF, which we did in the end anyway. 为了规避这些局限性,我们花了比使用简单的JSF实现整个界面更多的时间去搞这个设计器,不管怎样,我们最后还是搞定了。
This stupid robber actually robbed a plain clothes man in his last robbery!& it would make sense for him to end up being arrested. 这个傻强盗在最近一次抢劫时,居然抢的是便衣警察&这也就能很好解释为什么他终于被捕了!
It was plain that the island would persevere to the end. 这个岛国显然要坚持到底。
Quantitative Characteristics and Regulation Study on Reproductive Ramets of Apocynum Venetum Population in the North China Plain The House of Romulus shall dread the Boar's savagery, and the end of the Boar will be shrouded in mystery. 华北平原罗布麻种群生殖分株数量特征及变化规律罗穆卢斯(战神玛尔斯之子)的房子会畏惧野猪的野性,野猪生命终结时会用裹尸布神秘地遮蔽着。
The development and practice for plain end oil well pipe 平式油管的开发实践
A detailed research on the atomization fineness of a plain orifice injector by light scattering technique under uniform end nonuniform cross flowing air streams. 应用激光散射测雾技术对均匀和不均匀横向气流中单个直射式喷嘴雾化细度作了试验研究。
The development of plain end oil well pipe by the imported CPE production line in Changzhou Iron and Steel Plant are introduced. 介绍了常州钢铁厂在引进的CPE顶管生产线上开发平式油管的过程。
Tianjin Pipe Corporation Tube Processing Factory transformed the original plain-end tube production line into plain-end/ casing tube line in order to produce the oil casing tube with high additional value. 天津钢管公司管加工厂为了生产高附加值无缝石油套管,将原来一条光管生产线改造为光/套管线。
Application of Plain Screw Connection for Expended End of Rebar in Pile Foundation 镦粗直螺纹钢筋接头在桩基中应用
She is the world leader of grooved pipe system and plain end mechanical piping systems, dedicated in manufacturing and developing fire protection and water system products. VIC公司是沟槽与平端机械管道连接系统领域里的世界领袖,致力于生产、开发消防与给排水产品。
The first generation adults emerged in the southern plain region during the end of June and early July are usually spread northward to the northern high-altitude region, and the second generation of larvae occurred there. 南部平川区在6月末至7月上旬羽化的一代成虫通常向北扩散到北部高海拔冷凉地区,发生二代幼虫。